Computer Engineering

I am a fourth-year Computer Engineering student with NTU's Renaissance Engineering Programme. With computer engineering being the link between the hardware and software components of computer systems, my interests lie in IOT firware development and embedded systems, though I do strive to excel in all areas of software and hardware development. Checkout my GitHub page here!

Home Coming Soon


Ackcio Pte Ltd

May 2022 - Aug 2022

I worked with Ackcio's embedded development team as an apprentice under SGInnovate's Summation Programme.

During this time, I developed software for a production test jig, including scripting test procedures, increasing stability and accuracy of existing tests, and improving the UI/UX of the system, mainly working in Python, with some HTML. I also enabled writing of persistent metadata to boards via a UART bridge and built a diagnosis software to generate statistics from product logs, allowing on-site diagnosis of issues.

All this involved not only proficiency in design thinking and software scripting, but also knowledge of the underlying system architecture that runs on the products.

SenzeHub Pte Ltd

Feb 2021 - Dec 2021

As a firmware engineering intern, I developed firmware for health-monitoring devices based on ARM Cortex-M4 (Maxim MAX32630FTHR, Nordic nRF52840) and ESP32 processors, mainly working in C and C++.

Through the year of internship I contributed to the development of a wrist-wearable smart device, and a desktop touch-screen health monitor.

This consisted of interfacing peripherals with microcontrollers and implementing required functionality (e.g. sensor communication, OTA upgrades, Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity, flash storage, touchscreen display UI etc.). Most of the interfacing was done using I2C and SPI. I was also involved in breadboard prototyping for the desktop device.

Technical Skills


Proficient with C, C++, Python, Visual Basic and BASH scripting.

Basic experience with Java, HTML / CSS / JavaScript, Lua, Assembly, and Verilog.


Worked with Linux environments, ARM firmware programming, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino.

Familiar with data analytics, basic UI/UX development, and relational/hierarchical databases.


NTU's Renaissance Engineering Programme

This is a double degree programme, where I will graduate with a Bachelor's of Engineering in Computer Engineering, and a Masters of Science in Technology management. Because of its multidisciplinary nature, REP students are both under NTU's College of Engineering and the Nanyang Business School.

One other feature of REP is the year-long (or two-semster-long) exchange programme. In my case, I spent one semester at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and one semester at the Univeristy of British Columbia (UBC) in Year 3.

Notable Engineering Modules

NTU RE4001 Renaissance Capstone Project
NTU CE4055 Cyber-Physical System Security
NTU CE4062 Computer Security
NTU CE4022 Wireless Networks
NTU CE4032 Data Analytics & Mining
NTU SC3102 Signals, Systems & Transforms
UBC CPSC322 Intro to Artificial Intelligence
UBC CPSC304 Intro to Relational Databases
UBC CPEN333 System Software Engineering
NUS EE4204 Computer Networks
NUS CS3237 Intro to Internet of Things
NTU CE4010 Applied Cryptography
NTU RE2011/RE2012 Renaissance Design
NTU CE3103 Embedded Programming
NTU CE2101 Algorithm Design & Analysis
NTU CE2003 Digital System Design
NTU CE1115 Intro to Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
NTU CE2107 Microprocessor System Design & Development
NTU CE2002 Object Oriented Design & Programming
NTU CE1107 Data Structures & Algorithms
NTU RE1016 Engineering Computation
NTU RE1014 Electronic & Information Engineering

Business/MSc Modules

NTU RE6005 Digital Transformation
NTU RE6012 The Law of Obligations & Intellectual Property
NTU RE6013 Business Analytics & Applied Machine Learning
NTU MT6102 Maritime Economics
NTU RE6019 Advanced Topics in Engineering Leadership
UBC COMM280 Entrepreneurship
NTU RE8010 Strategic Marketing
NTU RE0004 Foundations of Engineering Leadership
NTU RE8013 Financial Management
NTU RE8012 Accounting
NTU RE8011 Fundamentals of Management

Other Modules

NTU RE1011 Mathematics I
NTU RE1012 Mathematics II
NTU RE1013 Materials & Manufacturing
NTU RE1015 Chemical & Bioengineering
NTU RE1017 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
NTU RE1018 Thermal Sciences & Electromagnetism
NTU EG0001 Engineers & Society
NTU DP2000 Photo Imaging I: Black & White Film Photography
NTU DP2001 Digital Photography
NTU DP2002 History of Photography
UBC ATSC113 Applied Meteorology
